Nursing diagnosis manual : planning, individualizing, and documenting client care

מחבר/ת: Doenges, Marilynn Eמחבר/ת: Moorhouse, Mary Francesמחבר/ת: Murr, Alice C
Nursing diagnosis manual : planning, individualizing, and documenting client care
Nursing diagnosis manual : planning, individualizing, and documenting client care

Contents: The nursing process : the foundation of quality client care The language of nursing : NANDA, NIC, NOC, and other standardized nursing languages The assessment process : developing the client database Concept or mind mapping to create and document the plan of care Nursing diagnoses in alphabetical order Health conditions and client concerns with associated nursing diagnoses

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מספרמיקום מס' מיון סימן מדף כרך
6575 WY 100.4 DOE

הוספה לעגלה מה זה

מחברמחבר/ת: Doenges, Marilynn Eמחבר/ת: Moorhouse, Mary Francesמחבר/ת: Murr, Alice C
שם כותרNursing diagnosis manual : planning, individualizing, and documenting client care
מס' מיוןWY 100.4
סימן מדףDOE
משפט‏ ‏אחריותMarilynn E. Doenges, Mary Frances Moorhouse, Alice C. Murr
מהדורהSixth edition
עמודיםvii, 1115 pages
גובה26 cm
זמן הוצאה2019
מקום הוצאה Philadelphia
תאריך קיטלוג26/11/2024
תארניםNURSING DIAGNOSIS ; Nursing Assessment ; Nursing Records ; Patient Care Planning ;

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